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New Labor Market Institutions and the Public Policy Response: A Symposium to Honor Lloyd Ulman

October 27, 2007 @ 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Political Economy and Labor Market Institutions

Chair: Barry Eichengreen, Economics Department, UC Berkeley
Discussant: Peter Rappoport

Sanford Jacoby, Anderson School of Management, UCLA, “Finance and Labor: Perspectives on Risk, Inequality, and Democracy” PDF
Frank Levy, Economics Department, MIT, “Institutions and Wages in Post-World War II America” PDF
David Soskice, Duke University and Oxford University, “American Exceptionalism and Comparative Political Economy” PDF


Institutions and Labor Market Behavior

Chair: James Peoples, Economics Department, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Discussant: David Levine, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley 

Clair Brown, Economics Department, UC Berkeley, “How Good Are U.S. Jobs? Characteristics of Job Ladders across Firms in Five Industries” PDF
Paola Giuliano, Harvard University, IMF and IZA, “Ties that Matter: Cultural Norms and Economic Behavior in Western Europe” PDF
Yoshifumi Nakata, Economics Department Doshisha University, “Increasing Labor Flexibility During the Recession in Japan: The Role of Female Workers in Manufacturing” PDF Figures and Tables
Paul Ryan, Unfortunately Prof. Ryan is unable to attend, his paper will be included in the volume.


Labor-Management Relations

Chair: Marlene Kim, Economics Department, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Discussant: Harry Katz, ILR School, Cornell University

Robert Flanagan, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, “Symphony Musicians and Symphony Orchestras” PDF
Teresa Ghilarducci, Economics Department, Notre Dame University, “The New Treaty of Detroit: Are Voluntary Employee Benefits Associations Organized Labor’s Way Forward, or the Remnants of a Once Glorious Past”? PDF
Knut Gerlach, Leibniz University Hannover, “Wage Effects of Works Councils and Collective Agreements in Germany” PDF


Public Policy and U.S. Labor Markets

Chair: Barbara Bergmann, American University (emerita)
Discussant: William Dickens, School of Public Policy, Universtiy of Maryland

David Card, Economics Department, UC Berkeley, “How Immigration Affects U.S. Cities” PDF
Steven Raphael, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley, “Understanding the Causes and Labor Market Consequences of the Steep Increase in U.S. Incarceration Rates” PDF
Michael Reich, Economics Department, UC Berkeley, “Minimum Wages in the United States: Politics and Economics” PDF


Toast to Lloyd Ulman with reply by Lloyd


October 27, 2007
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Event Category: