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60th Anniversary

The event attracted over 100 attendees, and it was held in the beautifully renovated IRLE Library Commons, which was dedicated in September 2006. IRLE Director Michael Reich was pleased with the turnout, but surprised, given the content of the day’s offerings. “California’s economy has grown dramatically since IRLE’s formation in 1945, he said. “Our industrial

New Labor Market Institutions and the Public Policy Response: A Symposium to Honor Lloyd Ulman

Political Economy and Labor Market Institutions Chair: Barry Eichengreen, Economics Department, UC Berkeley Discussant: Peter Rappoport Sanford Jacoby, Anderson School of Management, UCLA, “Finance and Labor: Perspectives on Risk, Inequality, and Democracy” Frank Levy, Economics Department, MIT, “Institutions and Wages in Post-World War II America” David Soskice, Duke University and Oxford University, “American Exceptionalism and

New Deal or No Deal? The Age of Obama and the Lessons of the 1930’s

Program The Present Crisis (listen) Financial Bloat— Neil Fligstein, Sociology, UC Berkeley Housing Bubble & Bust— John Quigley, Economics & Public Policy, Berkeley The Woeful Economy— Doug Henwood, Left Business Observer, New York Financialization & Reform— Rob Johnson, Senior Fellow and Director of the Global Finance project, Roosevelt Institute Learning from the New Deal Putting

What Future for Jobs and Manufacturing

IRLE hosted an invitation-only conference that focused on the many aspects of manufacturing employment both within the United States and abroad. The event was co-sponsored by the Global Metropolitan Studies Center. Conference Summary (PDF) Program The State of Manufacturing (video) Morning Session — Gerhard Bosch, Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation, Germany David Dornfeld, UC Berkeley Rob

Are Fair Wages Common Sense: Exploring Corporate Living Wage Programs

Paul Rice, CEO of Fair Trade USA Roger McElrath, Associate Director of BSR Jeff Denby, Co-Founder and CCO of PACT Moderator: Robert Strand, CRB Executive Director Co-sponsored with the Center for Responsible Business H&M has implemented a plan with a stated goal to achieve a “fair living wage” for 850,000 textile works by 2018. IKEA

Reducing Inequality in a Sustainable World

Keynote Speaker: Sivan Kartha, Stockholm Environment Institute Co-sponsored with the UC Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development As the global movement for sustainability is gaining steam, inequality continues growing rapidly. How can we slow inequality and poverty while increasing the sustainability of our living patterns and economies? This conference brings together economists, sociologists, ecologists,

Conference on the Causes of Wage Stagnation

On August 26, 2016 the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) at UC Berkeley and the Washington Center for Equitable Growth brought together a small group of the nation's leading labor economists to dig deep into the causes of stagnating wages. This conference, held in Berkeley, was the first part of a response

Layoff Rules, the Cost of Job Loss, and Asymmetric Employer Learning

I study how downsizing establishments choose which workers to lay off and how the cost of job loss varies by the type of layoff rule using administrative employer-employee data for West Germany. I estimate establishment-level layoff rules for over 4,400 mass layoffs from 1980 to 2009 and explore how layoff rules have changed over time

Fully Digitized Labor Sociology for the Big Screen

In this talk, Jamie McCallum will screen two short films he directed and then offer a talk on related themes, mainly on the history of the work ethic. Both films are quasi-documentaries, one on the decline of worker militancy and the other is a social experiment in which people were hired to dig holes in

(Re-)Locating the Local and National in the Global: Multiscalar Political Alignment in Transnational European Dockworker Union Campaigns

Labor activists have called for greater international coordination among trade unions in response to the assault on organized labor by global capital, but such coordination faces many hurdles. Under what conditions can unions overcome those barriers and coordinate effectively to achieve campaign goals? I examine this question through a comparison of European-level international solidarity with

Reference Pricing in the Case of Screening Colonoscopies

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Rising healthcare costs and methods to contain these costs are of great interest and relevance for private and public agents. We examine one such strategy by analyzing the introduction of a reference-pricing program by a large health insurer. Reference pricing set a maximum reimbursable amount for screening colonoscopies if they were performed at a higher-cost

Coordinated leisure and energy policy

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Standard models of labor supply do not account account for the fact that leisure consumed simultaneously across millions of people may be different than its isolated consumption by individuals. We enrich the standard model to account for such "coordinated leisure" and demonstrate a role for the government in selecting from multiple potential coordinated equilibria. Optimal

Seeing Like a Market

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

What do markets see when they look at people? Information dragnets increasingly yield huge quantities of individual-level data, which is analyzed to sort and slot people into categories of taste, riskiness, or worth. Developed to better understand and improve customer experience, these tools also define new strategies of profit making. In this mainly theoretical talk,

Expansion or Diversion? New Universities and Enrollment Choices in California

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Do non-tuition costs constrain college access? From 1995 to 2005, four new public universities in California began admitting first-year students. I exploit these new campus openings to test if relaxing distance cost constraints will increase four-year college enrollment among local high school graduates. I show that distance is still influential in the first-time enrollment of

The Effect of the EITC in the District of Columbia on Poverty and Income

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Using unique longitudinal administrative tax panel data for the District of Columbia (DC), we assess the combined effect of the DC supplemental earned income tax credit (EITC) and the federal EITC on poverty and income within Washington, DC from 2001 to 2013. The EITC in DC merits investigation, as the DC supplement to the federal

2016 Visiting Scholar Workshop

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Each year, IRLE hosts Visiting Scholars and Visiting Student Researchers who come to the Berkeley campus to work on independent research projects that contribute to the study of labor and employment issues. This workshop is an opportunity for visitors to present research at various stages of development and gain feedback from their peers and the

No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Join us for a conversation with organizer Jane McAlevey to talk about her new book, No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age. Drawing upon her experience as a scholar and longtime organizer in the student, environmental, and labor movements, McAlevey examines cases from labor unions and social movements to pinpoint the factors

The State of the Early Childhood Educator Workforce: Misaligned Expectations, Earnings and Policies

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Early educators are among the lowest-paid workers in the country, yet the work they do is critically important for children, families, and the economy. The Center for the Study of Child Care Employment at IRLE issued the inaugural edition of a biennial report on the early care and education workforce: The Early Childhood Workforce Index. The

Taking A Pass: How Jobs Stay Gender-Segregated

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Jobs are notoriously gender-segregated. But examinations of companies' hiring data often don't show a female disadvantage, even for male-dominated jobs. Many audit studies, on the other hand, do. This discrepancy can be partially explained by accounting for "failed searches" - cases when employers decide not to hire anyone from the applicant pool they receive. Professor

Buddhist Economics: An Enlightened Approach to the Dismal Science

820 Barrows Hall, Social Science Matrix at UC Berkeley 820 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Traditional economics measures the ways in which we spend our income, and doesn't attribute worth to the crucial human interactions that give our lives meaning. Clair Brown, an economist at UC Berkeley and a practicing Buddhist, has developed a holistic model, one based on the notion that quality of life should be measured by more

Intergenerational Income Mobility in Canada and the United States

223 Moses Hall 223 Moses Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Please note that this event will be held at 223 Moses Hall. Intergenerational mobility is about twice as great in Canada than in the United States, but varies significantly within each country. Our sub-national analysis of six different indicators finds that the national border only partially distinguishes the close to one thousand regions we analyze within

Indigenous Mexican Farmworker Youth: New Research In Development

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Dr. Holmes will present new research in development on indigenous Mexican farmworker youth in California, Washington State, and the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. This mixed-method qualitative research will explore hierarchies of race, class, gender, and language, as well as sources of strength and resilience among Triqui and Mixtec farmworker youth. In addition, the project will focus on

The Dynamics of Household Economic Security Around A Birth

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Newborns require a lot of resources. And with the changes in income composition that come with a birth, many families face financial uncertainty. This has implications for children’s health and development, women’s economic security, and public program design. This research finds that households see significant and enduring declines in economic security before and after a

The Changing World of Work, Societal Linkages, and Political Parties in Latin America: IRLE Dissertation Fellow Talk

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

In the golden age of Latin America’s labor movement, unions were the main representatives of the popular interest and, for many citizens, unions were their main tie to the political arena. But the neoliberal reforms of the 1980s sent many workers into the informal sector – work that is untaxed, unregulated and, historically, underrepresented politically. Recently,

Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence From the Golden Era of Upward Mobility

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Please note the change in date for this event. The first half of the twentieth century witnessed an extraordinary expansion of educational opportunity in the U.S. Professor Taylor will explore intergenerational links in educational outcomes during this golden age of upward mobility, using household data from the 1940s. His research shows that for white, black, Chinese,

Absence, Substitutability and Productivity. Evidence from Teachers

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

It’s not unusual for employees to miss work from time to time. Little is known, however, about how worker absences affect productivity, and how employers cope with absenteeism. We do know that in schools, disruption can be especially harmful. IRLE Visiting Scholar Asma Benhenda will present research, based on administrative data on French teachers and

Spring 2017 Visitors Workshop

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Each year, IRLE hosts visiting scholars and visiting student researchers who come to Berkeley from all over the world to work on projects related to labor and employment. At this workshop, visitors will present research at various stages and receive feedback from their peers and the wider community. Light refreshments will be provided. If you

Survival of the Fittest: the Impact of the Minimum Wage on Restaurant Closures

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Please note that this event will take place exceptionally on a Thursday. Opponents of minimum wage increases have long worried about their impact on restaurants, which often rely on low-wage workers. Dara Lee Luca and Michael Luca will present research on raising the minimum wage in cities such as San Francisco, where they find that

The 2006 Immigration Protests: A Decade Later

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

This mini-conference will evaluate the legacies of the 2006 marches and the current immigrant rights movement in the United States: its organization, its impact on public discourse, electoral politics and public opinion, and its ability to effectively frame the claims of non-citizens to further the goals of the immigrant rights movement. The participants will take

What’s Next for Health Care in California?

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Fat? Skinny? Something in between? Please join us for a discussion of work that IRLE researchers are doing on America's health care system. What might upcoming reforms look like? And with national reform so uncertain, what are the next steps for health care here in California?   Ken Jacobs chairs the Labor Center at IRLE. His

IRLE Fall Reception: Featuring Professor Daniel Schneider on Unstable Work Schedules in Retail

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

It’s no secret that the American labor market is increasingly unequal for workers. While work for the highest earners yields ever-higher returns, work at the bottom is becoming more and more unpredictable and insecure. In addition to low wages, short tenure, few benefits, and non-standard hours, workers specifically in retail and food service often face

In the Fields of the North / En los campos del norte: Book Talk with David Bacon

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Please join us for a conversation with activist and photographer David Bacon to talk about his new book, In the fields of the North / En los compos del norte. In this landmark work of photo-journalism, Bacon documents the experiences of some of the hardest-working and most disenfranchised laborers in the country: the farmworkers who

Refinery Town: Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of an American City

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Home to one of the largest oil refineries in the state, Richmond, California, was once a traditional company town dominated by Chevron. This largely nonwhite city of 110,000 suffered from poverty, pollution, violent street crime, and poorly funded public services. But in 2012, when journalist Steve Early moved to Richmond, he encountered a community that

2017 C.L. Dellums African American Leadership School

This event is co-sponsored by the Contra Costa Labor Council The goal of the C.L. Dellums African American Leadership School is to train union and community members active in the Black community so they can strengthen relationships between the Black community and the labor movement. This year’s program will focus on Black workers and the

Transnational Cooperation on Illicit Financial Flows out of Africa

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

A delegation hosted by the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center. In 2015, Thabo Mbeki commissioned a high level report on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) from Africa. The report indicated that over $50 billion in IFFs leaves Africa annually, an amount nearly equal to the official development assistance sent to the continent each year. IFFs are of particular

Diversity in California’s Workforce: Leveraging Unions’ Role in the Labor Market to Increase Diversity in Good Jobs

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Steven Pitts and Carol Zabin of the IRLE's Labor Center will discuss how unions' role in the labor market can be leveraged to increase diversity in good jobs.   Steven Pitts is associate chair of the Labor Center at IRLE, where he focuses on job quality and Black workers.       Carol Zabin is a

IRLE Working Group Meeting: From Braceros to H2A’s: Discussing the History, Present and Future of Agricultural Guestworker Programs in California

Center for Latino Policy Research 2547 Channing Way

IRLE working group From Braceros to H2A’s: Discussing the History, Present and Future of Agricultural Guestworker Programs in California will have its second meeting to plan for the year. The aim of this group is to organize an event in the Salinas Valley that brings together leading scholars, journalists, and students on the Bracero Program with

The Long Ride: Film Screening & Director Talk

LeConte Hall at UC Berkeley Room 4, Le Conte Hall

class="featuredimage">   Cosponsored by AFSCME Local 3299 and the UC Berkeley Multicultural Immigrant Student Program (MISP)   The Long Ride chronicles the historic 2003 Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride and follows the progress and setbacks as immigration rights activists seek justice for immigrant workers and push for passage of comprehensive immigration reform. With the Freedom Riders

Beyond “Resistance”: A Bold Plan for Work With Dignity via a Federal Job Guarantee

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

NEW LOCATION: 2521 Channing Way, IRLE Director's Room In 2017, Liberals in the United States are calling for “resistance” to regressive policies. Grassroots movements like the Fight for $15 show a desire for an offensive strategy on the left, but Professor Hamilton suggests that they do not go far enough. Raising the minimum wage still

Gold Rush Stories: Seekers, Scoundrels, Loss, and Luck

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

In less than ten years in the nineteenth century, more than 300,000 people made the journey to California, some from as far away as Chile and China. Dreamers and eccentrics, they included the first African American judge, an early feminist, and a self-styled emperor. Historian Gary Noy's new book, Gold Rush Stories: 49 Tales of Seekers,

The Future of Work

IRLE Library Commons 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The gig economy has radically changed the way we think about work. The concern is that workers increasingly do not have employers anymore and are facing lower wages, no access to health and pension benefits, exclusion from safety-net programs, and chronic instability in their incomes and work lives. What does gig work mean for the

Author Talk – The End of Loyalty: The Rise and Fall of Good Jobs in America

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Rick Wartzman’s new book, The End of Loyalty, details the erosion of the social contract between corporations and employees since World War II, the decline of American labor and the current rise of populism in the United States. Wartzman follows four corporate giants – General Electric, General Motors, Kodak, and Coca-Cola

Breaking the Cycle: Improving Outcomes for California’s High Need, High Cost Population

The David Brower Center 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

A slim slice of California’s citizens use the majority of government services.  At hospitals, jails, and homeless shelters across the state, we see familiar faces again and again.  Many of these people suffer from mental health, substance abuse, or persistent health conditions. Are we serving their needs effectively, efficiently, and equitably? Several cities and counties

Precarity and Dependence in the “Sharing” Economy

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The sharing economy debuted to grand claims about its ability to change the world for the good--it would encourage social connection, use assets more efficiently, and be better for the environment. For earners on platforms, it promised flexibility, freedom and the ability to become a "micro-entrepreneur." Ten years in, the reality is far more complex.

Asian American Settlements and Suburban Development in Post-World War II Los Angeles

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Details forthcoming. Please RSVP to this free event. Co-sponsored by the California Studies Association and the Townsend Center for the Humanities This talk is part of the California Studies Dinners series, a forum for the discussion of California politics, economy, and society that meets once a month on the Berkeley campus. It brings together scholars, students, and specialists from

Does California Fly Data-Blind?

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The California Policy Lab, launched in January 2017, is committed to improving the lives of Californians through data-driven policy. Come learn about how the lab began and what progress we've made in our inaugural year. We'll talk about our current research projects and our vision for using administrative data to generate transformative evidence for the nation's largest

CWED: Celebrating a Decade of Minimum Wage Research

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

To mark the 10th Anniversary of the creation of the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics (CWED), IRLE and CWED are organizing a one-day symposium, CWED: Celebrating a Decade of Minimum Wage Research. The symposium, scheduled for Friday, December 8, 2017, will chronicle CWED’s beginnings; highlight its most influential employment impact studies and its prospective

Coastal Sage: Peter Douglas and the Fight to Save California’s Shore

California is home to 1,100 miles of uninterrupted coastline, defined by long stretches of beach and jagged rocky cliffs. It's easy to take our shore for granted - but its protections are hard-won. Thomas Osborne will discuss his new book, Coastal Sage, which chronicles the career and accomplishments of PeterDouglas, the longest-serving executive director of the California Coastal Commission. For

Author Talk: Richard Reeves on America’s Dream Hoarders

Banatao Auditorium at UC Berkeley 310 Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States

We know about the one percent. The ultra-rich. The billionnaire class. But author Richard Reeves writes it’s the upper middle class that matters most. Those top twenty percent of earners are becoming more effective at passing wealth to their children, and – through zoning laws, schooling, occupational licensing, college application procedures, and the allocation of

In a Field of Patriarchy: Gender Politics and Freedom Dreams During the United Farm Worker Movement

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Absent in farmworker historiographies are the voices of farmworker women who speak of patriarchal and racialized exploitation in post World War II California. For many, patriarchal power originated in domestic violence, strict gender roles and autonomy-denying social conditions. Using original oral interviews, this presentation foregrounds the patriarchal relations within the Mexican farmworker community, and traces

Measuring Economic Performance as Well-Being (and Not Only Income)

Although economists agree that Gross National Product is not a measure of social welfare, they don't agree on what broader measure to use. Professor Clair Brown will present an overview of the four major types of measures of economic performance, with the pros and cons of each. Then, with grad student Eli Lazarus, she will

Working Together: How the Supreme Court divided the civil rights movement and labor leaders

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Once, activists dreamed of an all-inclusive movement for poor people. But then came the 1950s – labor began to decline as a social movement, and civil rights leaders turned away from their early focus on labor rights. What role did the courts play in pushing these movements apart? Professor Fisk finds that the era’s labor

What You Lose When You Lose Your Job: The Lasting Impacts of Unemployment

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Professor Brand will explore the complex ways in which the shock of job loss impacts workers' health, career achievement, and economic outcomes, and how these effects reverberate in their families and communities.

Regulating the Human Supply Chain

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

It’s no secret that recruiting guest workers can be a shady business. Often, the fraud and extortion that guest workers face are blamed on a few bad apple recruiters, who are targeted by criminal regulation that almost never works. But the problems are bigger than bad apples. Structural forces encourage abuse, from the subcontracting common

Workshop: Employment Issues in Agriculture

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

This event is made possible by funding from the Berkeley Food Institute,the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, the UC Berkeley School of Law, the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Department, the UC Berkeley Sociology Department, and the UC Berkeley Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.Please register to secure your spot.   Register   Program 12:30 pm Registration 1

From Braceros to H2-As: Discussing the History, Present, and Future of Agricultural Guestworker Programs

National Steinbeck Center 1 Main St, Salinas, California

In partnership with UC Berkeley’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment and the Center for Latino Policy Research, the National Steinbeck Center is proud to present “From Braceros to H-2A’s: Discussing the History, Present, and Future of Agricultural Guest Worker Programs in California” as part of our Ag Forum series. The program will take

IRLE Photo Exhibit and Spring Reception

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Come join us for an afternoon of art and celebration as we show off the Institute's new lobby and conference rooms! As part of our recently completed renovations, we are unveiling a mini-exhibit of rare photographs of the 1946 Oakland General Strike, displayed at the Oakland Museum of California in 1996 and 1997. Also on

Jobs for Freedom/1400 Jobs Campaign

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Come learn about the campaign led by the Bay Area Black Worker Center and Justice Reinvestment Coalition that resulted in the Alameda County Re-Entry Hiring Program. The program aims to place Alameda county residents with felony convictions into county jobs. After decades of funding job training programs with abysmal outcomes for placing people into permanent

Hard Work Is Not Enough: Gender and Racial Inequality in an Urban Workspace

In this talk, Professor Davis will discuss African American women’s experiences as bus operators in a San Francisco Bay Area transit firm from 1974-1989, during the height of affirmative action hiring. Through a series of interviews with these transit operators alongside correspondence between management and union leaders, grievance and arbitration data, as well as litigation

Politics At Work: How Companies Turn Their Workers into Lobbyists

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

In 2010, the landmark Citizens United Supreme Court decision upheld corporations’ right to participate in politics, declaring that limits to their political spending would infringe on freedom of speech. But money is not the only political resource that corporations can use. Private companies have access to – and control over – powerful human capital in

The Vietnam War in Mexican America

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

More than 200,000 Mexican Americans served in Vietnam. How did the war impact the Chicano community, and how do those effects linger today? Tomás Summers Sandoval has explored this question through oral histories of Chicano veterans and community members. He'll discuss his findings, which will be published in a forthcoming book and incorporated into a dramatic

Reflections on the End of the Safety Net as We Know It

Banatao Auditorium at UC Berkeley 310 Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States

It’s been over fifty years since President Johnson declared war on poverty, and each year, our federal and state governments spend billions of dollars trying to alleviate it. So why are some 45.3 million Americans still living below the poverty line? Why is there still no consensus on what can be done to reduce poverty?

Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The San Francisco Bay Area is currently the jewel in the crown of capitalism—the tech capital of the world and a gusher of wealth from the Silicon Gold Rush. It has been generating jobs, spawning new innovation, and spreading ideas that are changing lives everywhere. It boasts of being the Left Coast, the Greenest City,

Rebel Lawyer: Wayne Collins and the Defense of Japanese American Rights

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Fred Korematsu, Iva Toguri (alias Tokyo Rose), Japanese Peruvians, and five thousand Americans who renounced their citizenship under duress: Chuck Wollenberg's new book Rebel Lawyer tells the story of the key cases pertaining to the World War II incarceration of 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry and the trial attorney who defended them. Wayne Collins made a

Increasing Cal Grant Take Up Through Improved Communications; Administrative Data Linking

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Each year, the California Student Aid Commission awards Cal Grants - college funds that don't need to be paid back - to eligible California students. How can we get more students to take advantage of them? The California Policy Lab is testing whether letters designed with simplicity and behavioral nudges can increase the rates at

Perceptions and Experiences of the Formerly Incarcerated with Fair Chance Employment Initiatives

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

In October of 2017, Governor Brown signed into law a statewide ban-the-box (BtB) policy, which went into effect January 1, 2018. How do policies like this one affect the perceptions and experiences of formerly incarcerated job seekers? Drawing from surveys of probationers, Sandra has investigated what the formerly incarcerated know about the California's BtB policies;

Seminar on Inclusive Economies for Cities and Regions

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Register   Introduced by Karen Chapple, City and Regional Planning Chris Benner, UC Santa Cruz: "Inclusive Economies: Conceptual, Measurement and Process Issues" Incorporating insights from ecological economics, theories of social well-being, and concepts of pro-poor and inclusive growth, this talk will discuss insights from the application of a five-dimensional framework for analyzing and promoting more

IRLE Fall Open House Reception

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Save the date for IRLE's annual fall reception, where you can meet new IRLE staff, visitors, and students and learn more about how IRLE supports students and faculty.

Pros and Cons of Designing a Job Guarantee Program

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Policy makers frustrated with slack labor markets, diverging wage and productivity growth, and continued lag in the incomes of Black workers have increasingly begun to consider legislation that would guarantee everyone a job. The right to a job has been part of U.S. policy debates before. The preamble to the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act, passed

Labor in the Climate Transition: Charting the Roadmap for 2019 and Beyond

The David Brower Center 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

  The UC Berkeley Labor Center is hosting a conference on September 12, 2018, at the David Brower Center in downtown Berkeley, immediately prior to the start of the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco. Reason for conference: California and the world must take major steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our

Seeing Beyond the Trees: Using machine learning to estimate the impact of minimum wages on affected individuals

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The majority of teens, the commonly studied group in the minimum wage literature, are minimum wage workers; yet most minimum wage workers are not teens. To overcome this discrepancy, Cengiz uses machine learning tools to construct two demographically-based groups according to the size of the bite of the minimum wage: a high impact group and

Graduate Student Summit For Diversity in Economics

The David Brower Center 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Registration     The field of economics touches upon all aspects of life- from an individual's consumption choice to global trends spanning countries. And yet, the economists who constitute this social science are not representative of the very society they study. This lack of diversity in the economics profession, relative to a diverse society, points

Do Human Capital Decisions Respond to the Returns to Education? Evidence from DACA

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Join us for the second talk of our research presentation series, featuring Elira Kuka. Kuka will be presenting her paper, "Do Human Capital Decisions Respond to the Returns to Education? Evidence from DACA", which studies the human capital responses to a large shock in the returns to education for undocumented youth. In her paper, Kuka obtains variation

The Distributional Effects of Minimum Wages: Evidence from Linked Survey and Administrative Data

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Voorheis will discuss the implications of his research finding that minimum wage policies increase long-term earnings of low-wage workers, and possibly reasons for the persistence of those effects. Rising income inequality and stagnating economic mobility have prompted state and local governments to focus on higher minimum wages. As these policies expand, an understanding of how

Impacts of minimum wages on single mothers

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Using an event study framework, Godøy’s research documents a sharp rise in employment and earnings of single mothers after state minimum wage increases. Further, these effects can be shown to be concentrated among jobs that pay the minimum wage or slightly higher – high-wage employment remains unaffected. Panel models find the largest effects among mothers

CA Studies Seminar Dinner: Diane North

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

  Please come join us for our second California Studies Dinner featuring Diane North, Professor of History at the University of Maryland.  Her talk will be on her new book, "California at War: the State and the People During World War I". Scholars have produced many works on the impact of World War II on

Race and Network in the Job Search Process

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Racial disparities persist throughout the employment process, with African-Americans experiencing significant barriers compared to whites. This talk will help us gain a deeper understanding of racial labor market stratification by bringing new theoretical insights and original data to bear on the ways that social networks shape racial disparities in accessing employment opportunities. Existing scholarship points

Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

In his talk, Western will bear witness to the lives held captive in America’s experiment with mass incarceration. Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison tells the stories of the men and women he met through the Boston Reentry Study, a series of interviews his research team conducted with people leaving prison for neighborhoods around

Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

RSVP's are open for our next California Studies dinner, featuring Richard Walker, "Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Downside of Prosperity in the San Francisco bay Area". The high tech boom has been a bust for many Bay Area residents.  Seminar co-convener Dick Walker discusses this and other contradictions of recent Bay Area

The Effects of Compulsory Interest Arbitration on Disputes, Wages and Service Quality: Evidence From a Unique Natural Experiment in Canada

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Interest arbitration is a tool sometimes used in union negotiations for public workers who don’t have the right to strike. Issues that can’t be resolved in the collective bargaining process are sent to an impartial arbitrator. The role of interest arbitration in public sector collective bargaining has recently been at the forefront of public administration

Inequality in Life and Death: Policy and Prospect

Banatao Auditorium, UC Berkeley

Inequality has become a central focus of policy discussions, but inequality has multiple dimensions and correspondingly many potential policy interventions. This mini-conference will consider inequality from this broad perspective, with presentations by international experts on the Berkeley faculty and a keynote by Peter Orszag, Vice Chairman of Investment Banking and Global Co-Head of Healthcare at Lazard,

Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program Showcase

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Please join us for our year-end IRLE-URAP Showcase, featuring UC Berkeley undergraduates who have been working with faculty mentors on research projects throughout the semester. This event provides students the platform to share their research, and our community to become inspired by their passion and hard work. This semester we will have eleven students presenting on

Immigration Policy in Japan and South Korea

Ethnic Studies Conference Room 554 Barrows Hall, Berkeley, CA, United States

Immigration policies drastically expanded in Japan and South Korea, but the reality migrant workers face in both countries are not as promising. The general resistance of unskilled immigration and the demands of labor shortages and shrinking populations have been accommodated with ad hoc governmental policies. Under the supervision of Professor Keiko Yamanaka, UC Berkeley undergraduate

Are Local Minimum Wages Too High, and How Could We Even Know?

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Can higher earnings be attributed to higher minimum wage policies, or industry responses to wage increases? Nadler’s research measures the effects of six citywide minimum wages that ranged up to $13 in Chicago, the District of Columbia, Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, and Seattle, employing event study and synthetic control methods. Using aggregate data on

CA Studies Seminar Dinner: Rachel Brahinsky

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Rachel Brahinsky, University of San Francisco For more information, see the California Studies Association blog.

Intersectional Histories, Overdetermined Fortunes: Understanding Mexican and US Domestic Worker Movements

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

What determines whether movements of informal workers succeed or fail? Using cases of domestic-worker movements in Mexico and the United States, Tilly seeks to  build upon the literature on social movements and intersectionality by adding historical analysis of the movements’ evolution through a cross-national analysis of movement differences. Historically, these two movements have been propelled by

Open: The Progressive Case for Free Trade, Immigration, and Global Capital

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

In Open: The Progressive Case for Free Trade, Immigration, and Global Capital (Harvard University Press), Clausing makes the argument that Americans, especially those with middle and lower incomes, face stark economic challenges due to rising income inequality and wage stagnation. But these problems do not require us to retreat from the global economy. On the contrary, an open economy overwhelmingly

CA Studies Seminar Dinner: Honoring Labor From the Union Iron Works to the Salesforce Tower: From Black and White Film to Digital Images

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

San Francisco photographer Joe Blum was a boilermaker, ship fitter, and welder for more than twenty-five years.  He was also an activist in the Boilermakers Union.  Many of his photos are of iron workers and other craftspeople working on such big Bay Area projects as the Zampa Memorial Bridge over the Carquinez Straits, the new

From Coors to California: David Sickler and the New Working Class

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Join us for a conversation with David Sickler, one of the most creative and successful union organizers in the country. Starting out working on an assembly line in Colorado’s Coors Brewery, Sickler went on to lead breakthrough campaigns that transformed the US labor movement and to become an influential labor advocate within Los Angeles City

The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor’s Last Best Weapon

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

When Steven Burd, CEO of the supermarket chain Safeway, cut wages and benefits, starting a five-month strike by 59,000 unionized workers, he was confident he would win. But where traditional labor action failed, a novel approach was more successful. With the aid of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, a $300 billion pension fund, workers

Dockworker Power: Race and Activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay Area

Room 370, Dwinelle Hall Berkeley, CA, United States

Dr. Peter Cole discusses his highly anticipated book - Dockworker Power. Often missed in commentary on today's globalizing economy, workers in the world’s ports can harness their role, at a strategic choke point, to promote their labor rights and social justice causes. Cole brings such overlooked experiences to light in an eye-opening comparative study of Durban,

Is the Social Safety Net a Long-Term Investment? Large-Scale Evidence from the Food Stamps Program

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

After Social Security, the Food Stamp Program touches the lives of more American families than any other element of the social safety net. What is the impact of this program on the long-term outcomes of children who receive these resources early in life? Hoynes uses the rollout of the Food Stamp Program between 1961 and

The Party’s Over: Former Communist Party Members in the Bay Area

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Communist Party members were an important part of the Bay Area’s political left during the 1930s and early 1940s. The eventual decline and fall of the party profoundly affected these individuals and the region’s leftwing politics. Bob Cherny discusses these issues in his seminar appearance on Tuesday, March 19. Now Professor emeritus, Cherny taught American

Troubled Corporatism: Social Interventions in China’s Era of Public Procurement and Social Management

Against the background of the recent reconsolidation of authoritarianism, Peng will examine the re-emergence of corporatism, yet in a more marketized form, between the Chinese state and grassroots NGOs. Attempting to keep social unrests at bay with limited personnel and expertise, the Chinese local states seek to incorporate grassroots NGOs to establish social service programs

Inside the Black Box of Organizational Life: The Gendered Language of Performance Assessment

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Do formal evaluation procedures really reduce bias? As an organizational practice, are they a smokescreen concealing bias or a great leveler that bolsters meritocracy? While organizations formalize evaluation procedures to help achieve meritocratic outcomes, they often fail to eliminate bias in practice. Managers play a key role in applying such procedures, but researchers have been

Inter-Firm Contracting and Wages: Concepts, Trends, and New Directions for Research

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

An important next step in understanding how firm strategies affect the quality of jobs and inequality in the US overall is to more systematically examine the reallocation of labor across organizations, as a result of firms’ or governments’ decisions to purchase goods and services from other firms. I refer to this process as domestic inter-firm

The Future of Work: Myth, Reality, and What We Should Do About It

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Discussions about the future of work have focused on the idea that technology will soon reduce or alter the need for human labor in many occupations. Has this conventional narrative failed to focus on the key challenges facing workers today and in the future? Osterman will offer a perspective on these discussions, and how they

Precarity Diverged: Social Capital, Occupational Attainment and Spatial Mobility of the Chinese Rural Migrants

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Arguably the “precariat” of post-reform China, rural-to-urban migrants have long been seen as a unitary population highly unstable in both occupational and spatial terms. For decades, the precarity has been explained from the perspective of state and market: on the one hand, by the institutional exclusion under the Hukou Regime; on the other, by the

Spring 2019 Visitors Workshop

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Each year, IRLE hosts visiting scholars and visiting student researchers who come to Berkeley from all over the world to work on projects related to labor and employment. At this workshop, visitors will present research at various stages and receive feedback from their peers and the wider community. For more information on our visitors, please

The Effect of Political Power on Labor Market Inequality: Evidence from the 1965 Voting Rights Act (with Carlos Avenancio-Leon)

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

  A central concern for racial and ethnic minorities is having an equal opportunity to advance group interests via the political process. There remains limited empirical evidence, however, whether democratic policies designed to foster political equality are connected causally to social and economic equality. In this paper, we examine whether and how the expansion of

Author Talk – Scott L. Cummings on Blue and Green: The Drive for Justice at America’s Port

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

How an alliance of the labor and environmental movements used law as a tool to clean up the trucking industry at the nation’s largest port. In Blue and Green, Scott Cummings examines a campaign by the labor and environmental movements to transform trucking at America’s largest port in Los Angeles. Tracing the history of struggle in

Multinational enforcement of labor law: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh’s apparel sector

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Western stakeholders are increasingly demanding that multinationals sourcing from developing countries be accountable for labor rights and working conditions upstream in their supply chains. In response, many multinationals privately enforce labor standards in these countries, but the effects of their interventions on local firms and workers are unknown. I partnered with a set of multinational

Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program Showcase

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Please join us for our year-end IRLE-URAP Showcase, featuring UC Berkeley undergraduates who have been working with faculty mentors on research projects throughout the semester. This event provides students the platform to share their research, and our community to become inspired by their passion and hard work. Presentation schedule: 11:00 am: Teresa Kabba (mentor Erin Kerrison): The

Million Dollar Hoods: Mapping the Fiscal and Human Cost of Mass Incarceration in Los Angeles

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Los Angeles County operates the largest jail system in the United States, which incarcerates more people than any other nation on Earth. At a cost of nearly $1 billion annually, more than 20,000 people are caged every night in L.A.’s county jails and city lockups. But not every neighborhood is equally impacted by L.A.’s massive

U.S. and State Estimates of Relative Teacher Pay with a Fun Discussion of CPS Data Issues

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The recent surge in teacher strikes across the country brought to attention many issues that concern public education including class sizes that are too large, inadequate staffing of critical positions, crumbling building, outdated textbooks, and teacher pay. Allegretto has been tracking teacher pay and compensation for fifteen years. In this talk, she will present her

CA Studies Seminar Dinner: Susan Anderson

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Susan Anderson, African American Museum and Library at Oakland Details forthcoming

Immigration Reform in Californian Agriculture and the Tech Industry

Heyns Room, The Faculty Club Minor Lane, Berkeley, CA, United States

The workshop aims to discuss the consequences of both labor shortages and immigration policies in Californian agriculture and the tech industry. Particular attention will be paid to the H2A and H1B guest worker programs and their consequences for employers, employees and the industries more broadly. The workshop seeks to identify policies that benefit all stakeholders.

IRLE Fall Open House

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Come celebrate the start of the semester at IRLE’s Fall Open House. Connect with faculty, students, policy researchers, labor advocates, and visiting scholars. Learn about opportunities to get involved, from funding and publishing to courses and working groups. Enjoy student artwork produced by Art for Social Change, on view in our newly renovated student work

Chiura Obata: An American Modern

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

UC Berkeley California Studies Dinner Seminar, September 11, 2019: Kimi Kodani Hill, “Chiura Obata, an American Modern”. The late Chiura Obata was a prominent California artist and Professor of Art at UC Berkeley. A Japanese immigrant, he was particularly well known for his paintings of the Sierra Nevada and of the Topaz, Utah camp at

Unbound: How Inequality Constricts Our Economy and What We Can Do about It

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Do we have to choose between equality and prosperity? Many think that reducing economic inequality would require such heavy-handed interference with market forces that it would stifle economic growth.  Heather Boushey insists that rising inequality actually undermines growth in three ways. It obstructs the supply of talent, ideas, and capital as wealthy families monopolize the

The Relationship Between Union Membership and Net Fiscal Impact

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

What is the net fiscal impact of an individual's union membership status? What is the effect on taxes they pay and cost of public benefits they receive? Using data from the Current Population Survey, this talk will present evidence on how labor relations interact with public economics, suggesting that union membership has a positive net

The Bargaining Power of Older Workers and the US Labor Market

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Workers over age 55 are projected to fill more than half of the 11.4 million net new jobs created between 2016 and 2026. Despite their numbers, older workers’ bargaining power in the labor market has been declining, threatening to suppress wages and working conditions for all workers. Ghilarducci, a nationally-recognized expert in retirement security, will

White Devil’s Daughter: the Women Who Fought Slavery in San Francisco’s Chinatown

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Julia Flynn Siler’s new book documents the fight against the trafficking of Chinese women and girls in San Francisco during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Siler emphasizes the role of both white and Asian women in the struggle against sexual slavery, telling their stories with a twenty-first century feminist perspective. A journalist and author, Siler

[CANCELLED] Exclusion and Extraction: A Symposium on Criminal Justice Contact and Labor Reallocation

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

This event has been cancelled. Featuring legal scholars, social scientists, justice reform leaders, and others, this symposium will highlight emerging research on the role of the penal state in shaping the flow of individuals into and out of the labor market. Panels will examine how the state excludes justice-involved individuals from labor market opportunities, while