Research Presentation

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What’s Next for Health Care in California?

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Fat? Skinny? Something in between? Please join us for a discussion of work that IRLE researchers are doing on America's health care system. What might upcoming reforms look like? And with national reform so uncertain, what are the next steps for health care here in California?   Ken Jacobs chairs the Labor Center at IRLE. His

Diversity in California’s Workforce: Leveraging Unions’ Role in the Labor Market to Increase Diversity in Good Jobs

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Steven Pitts and Carol Zabin of the IRLE's Labor Center will discuss how unions' role in the labor market can be leveraged to increase diversity in good jobs.   Steven Pitts is associate chair of the Labor Center at IRLE, where he focuses on job quality and Black workers.       Carol Zabin is a

The Future of Work

IRLE Library Commons 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The gig economy has radically changed the way we think about work. The concern is that workers increasingly do not have employers anymore and are facing lower wages, no access to health and pension benefits, exclusion from safety-net programs, and chronic instability in their incomes and work lives. What does gig work mean for the

Does California Fly Data-Blind?

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The California Policy Lab, launched in January 2017, is committed to improving the lives of Californians through data-driven policy. Come learn about how the lab began and what progress we've made in our inaugural year. We'll talk about our current research projects and our vision for using administrative data to generate transformative evidence for the nation's largest

Measuring Economic Performance as Well-Being (and Not Only Income)

Although economists agree that Gross National Product is not a measure of social welfare, they don't agree on what broader measure to use. Professor Clair Brown will present an overview of the four major types of measures of economic performance, with the pros and cons of each. Then, with grad student Eli Lazarus, she will

Jobs for Freedom/1400 Jobs Campaign

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Come learn about the campaign led by the Bay Area Black Worker Center and Justice Reinvestment Coalition that resulted in the Alameda County Re-Entry Hiring Program. The program aims to place Alameda county residents with felony convictions into county jobs. After decades of funding job training programs with abysmal outcomes for placing people into permanent

Increasing Cal Grant Take Up Through Improved Communications; Administrative Data Linking

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Each year, the California Student Aid Commission awards Cal Grants - college funds that don't need to be paid back - to eligible California students. How can we get more students to take advantage of them? The California Policy Lab is testing whether letters designed with simplicity and behavioral nudges can increase the rates at

Perceptions and Experiences of the Formerly Incarcerated with Fair Chance Employment Initiatives

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

In October of 2017, Governor Brown signed into law a statewide ban-the-box (BtB) policy, which went into effect January 1, 2018. How do policies like this one affect the perceptions and experiences of formerly incarcerated job seekers? Drawing from surveys of probationers, Sandra has investigated what the formerly incarcerated know about the California's BtB policies;

Seeing Beyond the Trees: Using machine learning to estimate the impact of minimum wages on affected individuals

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The majority of teens, the commonly studied group in the minimum wage literature, are minimum wage workers; yet most minimum wage workers are not teens. To overcome this discrepancy, Cengiz uses machine learning tools to construct two demographically-based groups according to the size of the bite of the minimum wage: a high impact group and

Do Human Capital Decisions Respond to the Returns to Education? Evidence from DACA

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Join us for the second talk of our research presentation series, featuring Elira Kuka. Kuka will be presenting her paper, "Do Human Capital Decisions Respond to the Returns to Education? Evidence from DACA", which studies the human capital responses to a large shock in the returns to education for undocumented youth. In her paper, Kuka obtains variation

Impacts of minimum wages on single mothers

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Using an event study framework, Godøy’s research documents a sharp rise in employment and earnings of single mothers after state minimum wage increases. Further, these effects can be shown to be concentrated among jobs that pay the minimum wage or slightly higher – high-wage employment remains unaffected. Panel models find the largest effects among mothers

The Effects of Compulsory Interest Arbitration on Disputes, Wages and Service Quality: Evidence From a Unique Natural Experiment in Canada

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Interest arbitration is a tool sometimes used in union negotiations for public workers who don’t have the right to strike. Issues that can’t be resolved in the collective bargaining process are sent to an impartial arbitrator. The role of interest arbitration in public sector collective bargaining has recently been at the forefront of public administration

Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program Showcase

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Please join us for our year-end IRLE-URAP Showcase, featuring UC Berkeley undergraduates who have been working with faculty mentors on research projects throughout the semester. This event provides students the platform to share their research, and our community to become inspired by their passion and hard work. This semester we will have eleven students presenting on

Are Local Minimum Wages Too High, and How Could We Even Know?

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Can higher earnings be attributed to higher minimum wage policies, or industry responses to wage increases? Nadler’s research measures the effects of six citywide minimum wages that ranged up to $13 in Chicago, the District of Columbia, Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, and Seattle, employing event study and synthetic control methods. Using aggregate data on

Inter-Firm Contracting and Wages: Concepts, Trends, and New Directions for Research

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

An important next step in understanding how firm strategies affect the quality of jobs and inequality in the US overall is to more systematically examine the reallocation of labor across organizations, as a result of firms’ or governments’ decisions to purchase goods and services from other firms. I refer to this process as domestic inter-firm

Precarity Diverged: Social Capital, Occupational Attainment and Spatial Mobility of the Chinese Rural Migrants

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Arguably the “precariat” of post-reform China, rural-to-urban migrants have long been seen as a unitary population highly unstable in both occupational and spatial terms. For decades, the precarity has been explained from the perspective of state and market: on the one hand, by the institutional exclusion under the Hukou Regime; on the other, by the

Spring 2019 Visitors Workshop

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Each year, IRLE hosts visiting scholars and visiting student researchers who come to Berkeley from all over the world to work on projects related to labor and employment. At this workshop, visitors will present research at various stages and receive feedback from their peers and the wider community. For more information on our visitors, please

The Effect of Political Power on Labor Market Inequality: Evidence from the 1965 Voting Rights Act (with Carlos Avenancio-Leon)

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

  A central concern for racial and ethnic minorities is having an equal opportunity to advance group interests via the political process. There remains limited empirical evidence, however, whether democratic policies designed to foster political equality are connected causally to social and economic equality. In this paper, we examine whether and how the expansion of

Multinational enforcement of labor law: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh’s apparel sector

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Western stakeholders are increasingly demanding that multinationals sourcing from developing countries be accountable for labor rights and working conditions upstream in their supply chains. In response, many multinationals privately enforce labor standards in these countries, but the effects of their interventions on local firms and workers are unknown. I partnered with a set of multinational

Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program Showcase

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Please join us for our year-end IRLE-URAP Showcase, featuring UC Berkeley undergraduates who have been working with faculty mentors on research projects throughout the semester. This event provides students the platform to share their research, and our community to become inspired by their passion and hard work. Presentation schedule: 11:00 am: Teresa Kabba (mentor Erin Kerrison): The

U.S. and State Estimates of Relative Teacher Pay with a Fun Discussion of CPS Data Issues

IRLE Director's Room 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The recent surge in teacher strikes across the country brought to attention many issues that concern public education including class sizes that are too large, inadequate staffing of critical positions, crumbling building, outdated textbooks, and teacher pay. Allegretto has been tracking teacher pay and compensation for fifteen years. In this talk, she will present her