Consensus and Contribution: Shared Status Hierarchies Promote Group Success Cameron Anderson, Gavin Kilduff and Rob WillerMay 1, 2013 – Working Papers
National Diversity Under Pressure: Group Composition and Expedition Success in Himalayan Mountaineering Eliot L. Sherman and Jennifer A. ChatmanApril 1, 2013 – Working Papers
How Reputation Transfers Across Categorical Boundaries Ming D. Leung and Weiyi NgFebruary 1, 2013 – Working Papers
An Exceptional Nation? American Political Values in Comparative Perspective Daniel Laurison and Jerome KarabelDecember 1, 2012 – Working Papers
Consequences of Beliefs about the Malleability of Creativity Alexander O'Connor, Charlan Jeanne Nemeth and Satoshi AkutsuAugust 1, 2012 – Working Papers
The Psychological Basis of Quality Decision Making Charlan Jeanne NemethAugust 1, 2012 – Working Papers
Why Weak Ties’ Help and Strong Ties’ Don’t: Reconsidering Why Tie Strength Matters Sandra Susan SmithJuly 1, 2012 – Working Papers
A status-enhancement account of overconfidence Cameron Anderson, Don A. Moore, Jessica A. Kennedy and Sebastien BrionMarch 1, 2012 – Working Papers
Outlier Nation? American Exceptionalism and the Quality of Life in the United States Daniel Laurison and Jerome KarabelNovember 1, 2011 – Working Papers