Mandates: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects Miranda Dietz, Ken Jacobs and Michael ReichJanuary 1, 2014 – Scholarly Publications
Using Performance Incentives to Improve Medical Care Productivity and Health Outcomes Christel Vermeerch and Paul GertlerFebruary 1, 2013 – Working Papers
Prices Matter: Comparing Two Tests of Adverse Selection in Health Insurance David I. Levine and Rachel PolimeniDecember 1, 2012 – Working Papers
ReadyMade Analysis of Hospital de la Familia’s Cataract Surgery Program in Guatemala Ariel Chait, Clair Brown, Eric Freeman, Kate Belohlav and Lawrence ThalFebruary 1, 2012 – Working Papers
How Do Employers React to a Pay-or-Play Mandate? Early Evidence from San Francisco Arindrajit Dube, Carrie Hoverman Colla and William H. DowJuly 1, 2010 – Working Papers
U.S. Health Care and Real Health in Comparative Perspective: Lessons from Abroad Harold L. WilenskyFebruary 1, 2010 – Working Papers
The Impact of San Francisco’s Employer Health Spending Requirement: Initial Findings from the Labor and Product Markets Arindrajit Dube, William H. Dow and Carrie Hoverman CollaAugust 1, 2009 – Briefs
The Wage Squeeze and Higher Health Care Costs Sylvia A. Allegretto and Jared BernsteinJanuary 1, 2006 – Briefs
Declining Job-Based Health Coverage for Working Families in California and the United States Arindrajit Dube, Ken Jacobs, Sarah Muller, Bob Brownstein and Phaedra Ellis-LamkinsJanuary 1, 2006 – Briefs
Kids at Risk: Declining Employer-Based Health Coverage in California and the United States: A Crisis for Working Families Arindrajit Dube, Ken Jacobs, Sarah Muller, Bob Brownstein and Phaedra Ellis-LamkinsAugust 1, 2005 – Briefs