An Empirical Analysis of Homosexual/Heterosexual Male Wage Differentials: Unmarried And Unequal? Sylvia A. Allegretto and Michelle M. ArthurApril 1, 2001 – Scholarly Publications
The Costs of Teenage Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing: Analysis with a Within-School Propensity Score Matching Estimator David I. Levine and Gary PainterJune 1, 2000 – Working Papers
Union Growth, Recruitment Strategy and Women Workers Louise ThornthwaiteMarch 1, 1994 – Working Papers
Gender Wage Differentials in Private and Public Sector Jobs Josef Zweimuller and Rudolf Winter-EbmerJune 1, 1993 – Working Papers
Work, Family, and Organizations: An Untapped Research Triangle Sheldon ZedeckOctober 1, 1987 – Working Papers