The Anatomy of the Mortgage Securitization Crisis Adam Goldstein and Neil FligsteinFebruary 1, 2010 – Working Papers
Toward a General Theory of Strategic Action Fields Doug McAdam and Neil FligsteinJanuary 1, 2010 – Working Papers
Who are the Europeans and how does this matter for politics? Neil FligsteinDecember 1, 2007 – Working Papers
Shareholder Value and the Transformation of American Industries, 1984-2001 Neil Fligstein and Taek-Jin ShinMay 1, 2007 – Working Papers
Shareholder Value and Changes in American Industries, 1984-2000 Neil Fligstein and Taek-Jin ShinFebruary 1, 2005 – Working Papers
The Power of Unofficial Expectations: Shareholder Value Management Strategies and Long Work Hours in California Neil Fligstein and Ofer SharoneFebruary 1, 2004 – Working Papers