Keeping up with the Joneses: Lifestyle Competition and Housing Consumption in the Era of the Housing Price Bubble, 1999-2007 Adam Goldstein, Neil Fligstein and Orestes P. HastingsNovember 1, 2015 – Working Papers
The Causes of Fraud in Financial Crises: Evidence from the Mortgage-Backed Securities Industry Alexander Roehrkasse and Neil FligsteinOctober 1, 2015 – Working Papers
The Rich Got Richer: The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Household Well-Being, 2007-2009 Neil Fligstein and Zawadi Rucks-AhidianaAugust 1, 2015 – Working Papers
Why the Federal Reserve Failed to See the Financial Crisis of 2008: The Role of “Macroeconomics” as a Sense making and Cultural Frame Jonah Stuart Brundage, Michael Schultz and Neil FligsteinSeptember 1, 2014 – Working Papers
The Transformation of Mortgage Finance and the Industrial Roots of the Mortgage Meltdown Adam Goldstein and Neil FligsteinOctober 1, 2012 – Working Papers
Sucker Punched by the Invisible Hand Adam Goldstein and Neil FligsteinSeptember 1, 2012 – Working Papers
The Emergence of a Finance Culture in American Households Adam Goldstein and Neil FligsteinAugust 1, 2012 – Working Papers
Catalyst of Disaster: Subprime Mortgage Securitization and the Roots of the Great Recession Adam Goldstein and Neil FligsteinSeptember 1, 2011 – Working Papers
European Integration, Nationalism, and European Identity Alina Polyakova and Neil FligsteinSeptember 1, 2011 – Working Papers
The Rise and Fall of the Nonconventional Mortgage Industry Adam Goldstein and Neil FligsteinApril 1, 2010 – Working Papers