Framing the Immigrant Movement as about Rights, Family, or Economics: Which Appeals Resonate and for Whom? Fabiana Silva, Irene Bloemraad and Kim VossMay 1, 2014 – Working Papers
So Goes the Nation? A preliminary report on how immigration is reshaping the identities of workers in California Fabiana Silva and Kim VossMay 1, 2013 – Working Papers
The Local in the Global: Rethinking Social Movements in the New Millennium Kim Voss and Michelle WilliamsApril 1, 2009 – Working Papers
Why Lead Labor? Projects and Pathways in California Unions, 1984-2001 George Strauss, Kim Voss and Marshall GanzJune 1, 2003 – Working Papers
Diposition Is Not Action: The Rise and Demise of The Knights of Labor January 1989 Kim VossJanuary 1, 1989 – Working Papers