Paying Attention to Misconduct: Explaining Why Corporate Responses to Earnings Restatements Changed After Sarbanes-Oxley Jo-Ellen Pozner, Aharon Cohen Mohliver and Celia MooreJuly 1, 2015 – Working Papers
Creative Positioning: Niche Width, Niche Overlap, and Innovation in Television Programming, 1980-2009 Emily S. Block, Jo-Ellen Pozner and Karen PattersonMay 1, 2015 – Working Papers
Bottle Revolution: Constructing Consumer and Producer Identities in the Craft Beer Industry Jo-Ellen Pozner, Katarina Sikavica and Michaela DeSouceyMarch 1, 2015 – Working Papers
Bottle Revolution: Constructing Consumer and Producer Identities in the Craft Beer Industry Jo-Ellen Pozner, Katarina Sikavica and Michaela DeSouceyOctober 1, 2014 – Working Papers
Avoiding the Consequences of Repeated Misconduct: Stigma’s Licence and Stigma’s Transferability Celia Moore, H. Colleen Stuart and Jo-Ellen PoznerJuly 1, 2009 – Working Papers
Paying Attention to Misconduct: Differential Reactions to Misconduct After Sarbanes-Oxley Jo-Ellen Pozner, Aharon Cohen Mohliver and Celia MooreFebruary 1, 2005 – Working Papers