Changing Traditions in Industrial Relations Research George Strauss and Keith WhitfieldJuly 1, 2008 – Working Papers
Surviving a Changing and Often Hostile Environment: The Berkeley Institute of Industrial Relations George StraussMay 1, 2008 – Working Papers
Why Lead Labor? Projects and Pathways in California Unions, 1984-2001 George Strauss, Kim Voss and Marshall GanzJune 1, 2003 – Working Papers
Present At The Beginning: Some Personal Notes On OB’s Early Days and Later George StraussAugust 1, 1991 – Working Papers
Creeping Toward A Field of Comparative Industrial Relations George StraussMay 1, 1991 – Working Papers
Union Membership Attitudes and Participation Daniel G. Gallagher and George StraussMay 1, 1991 – Working Papers