The Psychological Basis of Quality Decision Making Charlan Jeanne NemethAugust 1, 2012 – Working Papers
Consequences of Beliefs about the Malleability of Creativity Alexander O'Connor, Charlan Jeanne Nemeth and Satoshi AkutsuAugust 1, 2012 – Working Papers
The “Rules” of Brainstorming: An Impediment to Creativity? Matthew Feinberg and Charlan Jeanne NemethJuly 1, 2008 – Working Papers
Create Idea Generation: Harmony versus Stimulation Charlan Jeanne Nemeth and Margaret OrmistonMay 1, 2007 – Working Papers
Influence and Persuasion in Small Groups Charlan Jeanne Nemeth and Jack A. GoncaloApril 1, 2004 – Working Papers
The liberating role of conflict in group creativity: A cross cultural study Bernard Personnaz, Charlan Jeanne Nemeth, Jack A. Goncalo and Marie PersonnazApril 1, 2003 – Working Papers
Creative Collaborations from Afar: The Benefits of Independent Authors Charlan Jeanne Nemeth and Jack A. GoncaloApril 1, 2003 – Working Papers