Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society

Current Issue: July 2022

Volume 61, Issue 3
Pages: 257-323

  • Industrial Relations, the Institute’s academic journal, is in its fiftieth year of publication. With four issues a year, Industrial Relations offers a valuable international perspective on current topics in industrial relations. Each issue includes research articles, notes, and symposia on all aspects of employment relations and the labor market.

    The editors are supported by an outstanding Board of Reviewers, as well as over 200 referees from academic institutions in the United States and abroad. Industrial Relations continues to expand its outside referees, whose expertise and diligence are very much appreciated.

    Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society is printed and distributed by Wiley, the website provides more information and sample articles from the journal.

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  • Industrial Relations publishes articles on all aspects of the employment relationship.

    The preferred method of submitting an article is to go to the Manuscript Central website:, where you can register as an author and keep track of your submission.

    Please indicate your understanding that the article will not be under consideration by any other publisher while it is being reviewed by Industrial Relations.

    Manuscripts: Article length should be no longer than 25-30 double-spaced typed pages with 1-inch margins, inclusive of tables, notes, and references. Quotations of over four lines should be indented. Do not include running heads of author(s)’ name(s). Submit your article as a Microsoft Word document, formatted as .docx, .doc, or .rtf. Please do not submit a PDF file or submit revisions with Track Changes. If you work with LaTeX software, please contact us if you need assistance during the submission process. If a submitted paper is accepted for publication, we will then need a Word document for copyediting and typesetting.

    Title page: Please provide a title for the paper that is limited to two lines, 33 letters and spaces per line. Author(s), institutional affiliation(s), current mailing addresses, and phone numbers should appear with the title on one copy of the cover page. Place acknowledgments at the bottom of this page. The Title page should be a separate document from the article Word file.

    Abstract: Please include an abstract of less than 100 words.

    Notes: These should be endnotes, restricted to substantive parenthetical statements, numbered consecutively, and placed on a separate sheet(s) at the end of the paper.

    Tables should be on separate pages, numbering them consecutively in Arabic numerals. Table notes include the source first, then significance levels given by asterisks, then table notes indicated by lowercase superscripts a, b, etc.

    Variable names: Use English words for variable names whenever possible (e.g., Percentage Union rather than PCTUN), making variable names as descriptive as possible. Use initial capitalization (no italics or bold) of all words in names of variables in the text and in tables.

    Figures should appear on separate pages in camera-ready form.

    References: In the body of the text, place references in parentheses, giving the author’s last name and date of publication (using a, b, etc., if more than one work is cited for a given year). Include page numbers in the text only when quoting material. An alphabetical list of cited references should appear at the end of the manuscript; be sure to include volume number, month, and pages for journal articles and inclusive pages for articles in books. Examples of the appropriate format follow:

    Dickens, William T., Laura B. Tyson, and John Zysman, eds. 1988. The Dynamics of
    Trade and Employment. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.

    Freeman, Richard, and Martin Weitzman. 1986. ‘Bonuses and Employment in Japan.’
    Working Paper No. 878. Cambridge, MA:National Bureau of Economic

    Slichter, Sumner. 1919. The Turnover of Factory Labor. New York: Appleton.

    Thurow, Lester. 1987. ‘A Surge in Inequality.’ Scientific American 256 (May):30-37.

    Verma, Anil, and Thomas A. Kochan. 1985. ‘The Growth and Nature of the Nonunion
    Sector within a Firm.’ In Challenges and Choices Facing American Labor, edited
    by Thomas A. Kochan, pp. 89-127. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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  • Emily Brown
    Editorial Assistant

    Mailing Address
    Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society Editorial Offices
    Institute for Research on Labor and Employment
    University of California, Berkeley
    2521 Channing Way #5555
    Berkeley, California 94720-5555