Photography Exhibits
Photo from "Union Women's Alliance to Gain Equality (1971-1982)," photographs by Cathy CadeExhibit at U.C. Berkeley Institute of Industrial Relations August 20, 2003 - January 16, 2004, photo 4 of 20
Workers on Strike at Jung Sai/Chinese American Sewing Company. San Francisco, 1974.
"Efforts to organize (Jung Sai a subsidiary of Esprit de Corp) began fifteen months ago but were recently intensified because a new manager lowered piece rates and laid off workers. A hundred workers, out of 135, signed cards with ILGWU Local 101. The strike was precipitated when Frankie Ma, a union activist, was fired for 'unsatisfactory work' (after 2 1/2 years!) Jung Sai workers, most of them middle-aged women, sat down in front of the shop. Management tried to crash through with bins of cloth and several workers were hospitalized. [Esprit closed the shop claiming bankruptcy] .38 women were arrested for blocking trucks, 15 more were arrested a week later. The Chinese community rallied support and the courtroom was packed when the strikers came up for trial. All charges have been dismissed. The workers with the help of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, persisted in fighting Esprit before the National Labor Relations Board." (Joyce Maupin, Union WAGE newspaper, 1974.) They finally won a favorable settlement almost ten years later.