Labor & Employment Related Courses

Updated: Fall 2022 courses

We compile a list of labor-related courses across campus each semester. Be sure to check out Labor Studies courses for Fall 2022.

Spring 2022 Courses (Google Doc)

Fall 2021 Courses (Google Doc)

Fall 2020 Courses (Google Doc)

Spring 2020 Courses (Google Doc)

Fall 2019 Courses (Google Doc)

Spring 2019 Courses (Google Doc)

Fall 2018 Courses (Google Doc)

Spring 2018 Courses on Labor and Employment

Spring 2018 Courses on Labor and Employment

African American Studies
112A Political and Economic Development in the Third World
118 The Slave Trade and Culture in the Modern Atlantic World
C156 Race, Space, and Inequality

American Studies (AMERSTD)

Asian American Studies

Business (Haas)
107 The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business
192T Topics in Corporate Social Responsibility


259S Research Seminar in Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations
279B The Political Economy of Capitalism
279S Research Seminar in Business and Public Policy

City Planning
113B Community and Economic Development (Reid)

Economics (ECON)
121 Industrial Organization and Public Policy
152 Wage Theory and Policy
C175 Economic Demography (Lee)

250A Labor Economics
251 Seminar in Labor Economics
C275A Economic Demography


Education (EDUC)

Ethnic studies

Gender and Women Studies (GWS)
C138 Gender and Capitalism

C155 Race, Space, and Inequality (Lewis)

Global Poverty and Practice (GPP)

124B The Recent United States: The United States from World War II

International and Area Studies (IAS)

Legal Studies

Political Economy

Political Science

Public Policy
C103 Wealth and Poverty (Reich)
190 Labor and Workplace Justice in the Contemporary U.S. (Ferus-Comelo)
290 Contemporary Labor Issues: Challenges and Innovation (Ferus-Comelo)

Social Welfare
112 Social Welfare Policy

Sociology (SOCIOL)
110 Organizations and Social Institutions (Huang)
113AC Sociology of Education (Powers)
120 Economy and Society
121 Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Social and Cultural Context
130 Social Inequalities
140 Politics and Social Change
145 Social Change
148 Social Policy

190 Seminars

Fall 2017 Courses on Labor and Employment
African American Studies
111 Race, Class, and Gender in the United States (Small)

American Studies (AMERSTD)
139AC Civil Rights and Social Movements in U.S. History (Martin)

Asian American Studies

Business (Haas)
107 The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business (Ross)
151 Management of Human Resources (Banks)
194 Power and Purpose: Engaging Stakeholders in Business, Politics and Activism (Shireman)

254-1A Power and Politics in Organizations (Srivastava)
257-1 The Pursuit of Meaningful Work (TBD)
292T-1 Business Case for Investing in Women (McElhaney)
292T-12 The Responsible Company (Strand)
297A-1 Healthcare in the 21st Century (Macpherson)

219S-1 Research Seminar in Economic Analysis and Policy (Bodoh-Creed)
259A-1 Research in Micro-Organizational Behavior (TBD)
259S-1 Research in Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations (TBD)

City Planning
113A Economic analysis for Planners (Hinkley)
230 U.S. Housing, Planning, and Policy (Galante)

Economics (ECON)
121 Industrial Organization and Public Policy (Edlin)
174 Global poverty and impact evaluation (Anand)
220B Industrial Organization (Farrell)
250A Labor Economics (Walters and Kline)
251 Seminar in Labor Economics (Kline)

160 Special Topics in Demography (Lawton) – Writing a Quantitative Research Paper with a focus on Migration

Education (EDUC)
262F Organizational Policy and Teachers’ Work (Green)

Ethnic studies
197 Field studies in labor and community organizing

Gender and Women Studies (GWS)
139 Women, Gender and Work (Salzinger)

C32 Introduction to Development (Watts)
110 Economic Geography of the Industrial World (Stehlin)

Global Poverty and Practice (GPP)
115 Global Poverty: Challenges and Hopes in the New Millennium (Haskaj)

C139C Civil Rights and Social Movements in US History (Martin)

International and Area Studies (IAS)
IAS 107/207 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (Muzzi)

Legal Studies

Political Economy

Political Science
209A Comparative Political Economy (Levy)

Public Policy
103 Wealth and Poverty
190-2 Poverty and Inequality (Johnson)
190-11 / 290-11 The People v. the State: U.S. Social Movements and Policy (Jayaraman)
253-1 International Economic Development Policy (Wydick)
251 Microeconomic Organization and Policy Analysis
271 The Political Economy of Inequality (Reich)
290-2 The Economics of Race in the United States (Raphael)
290-8 Economic development public policy: many fierce debates (Easterly)

Social Welfare

Sociology (SOCIOL)
110 Organizations and Social Institutions (Huang)
113 Sociology of Education (Lucas)
116 Sociology of work (Hermann)
120 – Economy and Society (Hermann)
121 Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ivester)
127 Development and globalization (Page)
130AC Social inequalities (Reed)
140 Politics and social change (Tugal)
141 Social movements and political action (Behbehanian)
166 Society and Technology (Huang)
180I Comparative perspectives on U.S. and European Societies: Inequality (Ivester)

190 Seminars
190.001 Sociology of discrimination (Lucas)
190.003 From sex workers to taco trucks: informal labor in the global economy (Rosaldo)
190.004 Higher education and inequality (Voss)

280AA Sociology of Poverty (Sanchez-Jankowski)
280G Social Stratification and Class (Lucas)
280Q Economy and Society (Fourcade-Gourinchas)