README.txt Replication archive for: Rothstein, Jesse. The Great Recession and its Aftermath: What Role for Structural Changes? July 2016. Forthcoming, The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. Creation date: July 2016. Last substantive revision: July 2016. Last revision: August 2016. This archive contains programs, logs, and data to produce the results in the above paper. The archive, as it exists on my computer, contains three main directories, plus some subdirectories: programs/ Contains Stata programs, log files, and output (.txt and .log files). The key program is "," in the project root directory. This program calls all other programs needed to prepare and analyze the data. It assumes that Stata-format CPS data files have been created previously, using the program in the readrawcps directory. readrawcps/ Contains supplemental .do and .dct files used to read the raw CPS data. These files are not called by the master "labormarket2016” program, but are assumed to have been run before it is. rawdata/ Contains raw data files. See readme.rawdata.txt file in that directory for descriptions. rawdata/cps Contains all of the CPS monthly files from January 1978 through May 2016, in Stata form as created by the program, then gzipped. These files take up 3.9 GB of disk space, and are not included in the distribution of this archive for space reasons. The raw data files can be obtained from Please contact me if you have trouble obtaining them. intermediatedata/ Contains intermediate files created by the programs in the programs directory. figures/ Contains figures for paper. The "manifest.txt" file contains a manifest for the entire archive, as it existed on my computer at the time of the most recent successful execution of the main project .do file. The distribution archive includes all files here, except for the CPS data files in rawdata/cps and the files derived from them in intermediatedata. It is broken into three parts: 1) Contains all programs, log files, and figures, from the programs/, readrawcps/ and figures/ directories. 2) Contains all raw data files from rawdata/ directory, but not those from rawdata/cps. 3) Contains intermediate files created by the programs in the project, except those including CPS microdata. If needed, the excluded files from rawdata/cps/ and intermediatedata/ are available by request from the author. But transferring these files is difficult due to their size. Users are encouraged to obtain the original CPS files from the FTP server noted above and to recreate the Stata versions by running the included readrawcps/ program themselves. Included log files derive from execution of the programs/ program -- which calls all other programs -- in August 2016, using Stata/MP 14.0 (born date 10 June 2015).